The Ghosts of Halloween Past

I love Halloween it is my favorite time of year.  I have been everything from Raggedy Ann to The Evil Queen from Snow White.  I have been looking through some old pictures of the kids (and me) and came across some of my favorites:

I was a Sophomore in High School and went as Alice – My cousins and that lovely lady next to me is my brother

Before kids – I went as Marylin (our friend Laura and Jeff as a southern belle

This was costume party I went to in August 2009 (I was on bed rest with Booga but I went as Octomom).

Booga’s first Halloween Costume – Yoda.  We came home before Trick or Treating ended because Booga was less than pleased in the carrier.

She wanted to be a TiVo happy face

This year the Princess is going as Rapunzel and Booga is going as Toby.  It should be fun 🙂

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