Angry Birds Bird Feeder – How To

©1995-2013 A.J.'s Arts and Designs -

The princess has wanted to make a “real” bird feeder for quite sometime now.   Last week we finally made one using a recycled bottle (Bacardi Bahama Mama Bottle – a thick plastic bottle is what you are looking for) and a wooden spoon.  The decorating process was a no brainer for my daughter she wanted Angry Birds, her reasoning it is a bird feeder.  I free handed the Angry Birds onto the bottle with a Dry Erase Marker, once it was approved by management I went over it with a Sharpie and let her paint it.

Painting the birds

Painting the birds

Close up of the bird painting.

Close up of the bird painting.

Once the princess was finished painting the birds, I sealed the birds with an outdoor iridescent sealer.  I took and outdoor sealer and added iridescent paint to the sealant.

After the paint was completely dry I too the spoon and cut two holes with an Exacto Knife on a diagonal to ensure the bird seed would come down to the spoon area.   Taking some Jute Twine I wrapped the top part of the bottle including the cap.

Filling the bird feeder

Filling the bird feeder

All rights reserved - A.J.'s Arts and Designs

Angry Bird Side of the Feeder

All rights reserved - A.J.'s Arts and Designs

The other side of the bird feeder

Birds eating out of the feeder.  I am sorry for the quality I took it through my (very dirty) kitchen window with my phone.

Birds eating out of the feeder. I am sorry for the quality I took it through my (very dirty) kitchen window with my phone.

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