Oh Boy…

One of the big thing we have been doing is getting the side porch working for the Reeva so we don’t have to keep walking around the whole house to access the backyard.  My amazing in-laws are here and we decided to rearrange some furniture without kids (romantic isn’t it).  We moved the last plastic bin and the mold, musty smell hit Jeff like a ton of bricks.  The squishy, wet floor made my heart sank because I knew that meant something was leaking and we needed to rip up carpet.

Nice wet carpet

Nice wet carpet

Look I think you can actually smell the mold in this picture

Look I think you can actually smell the mold in this picture

When you remove the carpet and see this:

Look at that lovely mold spot on the subfloor

Look at that lovely mold spot on the subfloor

You pray you caught it in time and that you don’t need to replace the the subflooring.  Good news it passed the screwdriver and the bleach test but I still need to get under the house to see how bad it is.

Me taking out my frustration on the carpet

Me taking out my frustration on the carpet

Look my craft area threw up in the living room

Look my craft area threw up in the living room

The kitchen too

The kitchen too

Carpet removed floor cleaned

Carpet removed floor cleaned

Temporary fix rosin paper

Temporary fix rosin paper

Good news we found the source of the leak, the sliding glass door.

Bad news we need to replace the door and the whole entire living room carpet.  I will say I will not be sad to see the nasty, original carpet go but I wasn’t planing on any more home improvement projects until next year.

I have also decided to stop talking about ideas for the house because Murphy seems to make them come true, lol.

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