Filed under Dollar Store

Rainbow Necklaces and Bracelets

Rainbow Necklaces and Bracelets

I have been trying to get Booga a little more active in the arts and crafts because I find myself comparing what I did with the Princess to what I have done or not done with Booga.  The biggest difference between the two is the Princess was far more interested and listened far better than … Continue reading

Geometric Greek Inspired “Vases”

Geometric Greek Inspired “Vases”

Thinking Day is right around the corner and our Girl Scout Troop picked Greece as our country this year.  I am a huge fan of Greek Art and Architecture and really wanted to share this appreciation with my troop.  I knew I wanted to do a project that involved “pottery” but the thought of anything breakable with … Continue reading

How To Make a Bucket O Soldiers

The Booga is obsessed with Toy Story 1 and 2 (we don’t own 3) he quotes the movie.  My daughter really wanted to get Booga a Bucket O Soldiers so I looked around and found it on Amazon – $35.00 for 72 plastic army men that will be stepped on – I think NOT!  We … Continue reading

Homemade Casting (Think Plaster) Recipe

I have been modifying and perfecting this for over a month and I FINALLY got the formula down – yay me! Materials: Ziploc Sandwich bag 1/3 measuring cup White Glue (Elmer’s or Dollar Store Equivalent – I am using that) Water Craft Stick Scissors Molds Patience (not one of my strong points when it comes … Continue reading

Stamp Pads and Glimmer Mist in a Pinch

So I am taking a class from Craft Tech University on Saturday with Samantha Star.  Since it has been over 4 years since I bought anything stamp related I needed to buy some supplies.  I figured no problem I would just go to the scrapbooking store.  Did I mention it has been close t0 4 … Continue reading

Mummy Eyeball Wreath Tutorial

Here it is the Eyeball Wreath now cleverly named the Mummy Eyeball Wreath because my ideas seem to morph into something new.  The original idea has been bouncing around in my head for a while I had recently found an old sketchbook with a bunch of doodles, one was for an eyeball wreath.  My original … Continue reading